
In short

You can view and compare the WOZ values of houses for free via the WOZ-waardeloket. You can compare houses based on characteristics such as location, year of construction and usable floor area.

On this page you will find an explanation about the WOZ-waardeloket.

Public website with all residential property values

On the WOZ-waardeloket you can see the WOZ value of every house in the Netherlands and compare it with other houses. The WOZ values you see are the values that municipalities have assessed from the value reference date January 1, 2014 until now.

Please note that the values are shown based on the applied value reference date. So the WOZ values that are valid in 2024 are shown under the value reference date (Peildatum) 01-01-2023.

Do you have questions about your WOZ value? Please contact the municipality that assessed the value. On the WOZ-waardeloket you can read what you can do if you think an error is being displayed.

Use of the WOZ-waardeloket is free of charge

You can view the WOZ-values on the WOZ-waardeloket free of charge. Mass or automated extraction of data from the WOZ-waardeloket is not allowed. You can therefore request a limited number of properties within a certain time period.

Characteristics homes visible on the WOZ-waardeloket

At the WOZ-waardeloket you will not only see the WOZ-value of a house, but also a number of characteristics such as: year of construction (bouwjaar), purpose,of use (gebruiksdoel), usable floor area (oppervlakte) and plot size (grondoppervlakte). With these characteristics you can compare your home with your neighbor's home. For example, your neighbor's home may have smaller or larger plot size, causing the WOZ values to differ. The property characteristics shown, such as year of construction and usable floor area, come from the Base Register of Addresses and Buildings (BAG). Your municipality is responsible for this data.

The data shown at WOZ-waardeloket is only a small part of the data your municipality uses to appraise and asses the WOZ value. If you would like to see all the information, you can request an appraisal report from the municipality. Only the owner or tenant of a property can get the appraisal report of a property. The appraisal report explains the value and states all the important characteristics of the property. You can view the appraisal report via the website of your municipality or via MijnOverheid.nl.